Xenotype project

This is the experiment to build a tool that can help with managing tasks and projects. This is a prototype phase and I am posting the releases here just to be able to track my progress towards the MVP. Releases below are win64 executable that only slightly tested on Windows 10 and not really intended for any production use.

Recent releases:


2023-04-13: xenotype.v0.14.140-bin.zip (703Kb)

This is the complete rewrite to my pervious work published here, I think that the only the app icon that was able to make it into the new code base. This new prototype code is written in Rust.

Internal name for this release is “Shippable”, because it is something that can be launched not just on my development computer. The previous release of this complete rewrite is not published here and it has internal name is “Usable” , because it is something I can actually use for myself for planning while working on this project.

2020-01-04: xenotype-pre_alpha-2020.004.f2a31d7-win64.zip (109Kb)
Added high DPI-support and improved mouse cursor image.
2019-12-25: xenotype-pre_alpha-2019.359.dd0ec96-win64.zip (108Kb)
Release with better icon.
2019-11-29: Getting the environment
Setting up the minimal environment.
2019-11-28: xenotype-pre_alpha-2019.331.e98eed0-win64.zip (66Kb)
First release built on CI.
2019-11-19: xenotype-pre_alpha-2019.326.a224b09-win64.zip (66Kb)
How it is like to implement a simple text editor with DirectWrite.